2025 Autumn vacation care coming soon!

Welcome to

Lambton OOSH

Based on the grounds of Lambton Public School, Lambton OOSH is an Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority accredited childcare centre.

Lambton Public School was established in 1865 and is one of the oldest schools in Newcastle. Lambton OOSH commenced in February 2022 and will operate out of the School Hall, which is fitted with modern heaters, air conditioning and fans. Out front of the School Hall is a large COLA, suitable for outdoor, undercover play. Surrounding the School Hall is a large grassed area, as well as basketball court, a softball court and a playground.

During the school term Lambton OOSH caters to Lambton Public School’s students and families. During Vacation Care however, the service OOSH can take children from other schools.

Vacation Care

Discover the magic of Lambton OOSH! Our vacation care programs offer a welcoming space for your child to learn, play, and connect.

Spring booking form available on home page

Check out what is happening in our upcoming Vacation care program!


20 Croudace Street
Lambton NSW 2299


Mobile: 0409 180 123


Before school care:  6:30am – 9:00am
After school care:   2:50pm – 6:00pm
Vacation care:  6:30am – 6:00pm


Before School Care

Permanent booking $ TBC
Casual Booking $ TBC

After School Care

Permanent booking $ TBC
Casual Booking $ TBC

Vacation Care

$ TBC base

Late Fee

A late fee of $10 per 5 minutes will apply.

Send an enquiry to Lambton OOSH

Select your service to be taken to the Vacation Care booking form

Please click on your location below to take you to the enrolment form for that centre.